FieldServers can scale data and manipulate values using some binary logic and arithmetic functions. Scaling can be applied to each block of Modbus Data read/served.
- Move to change type : Convert from any FIeldServer Data Type to any other.
- Move to pack/unpack bits and bytes: Its possible to address each bit in a 8,16 or 32 bit data element by using the packed data types.
- Move to change byte/word order: Handle the endianess of the remote system easily.
- Convert to/from Float, MK10, IEE754, 32 bit, 16 bit, 8 bit numbers
- Move conditionally:
- Perform Arithmetic Operation: + – * div sqrt, sqr
- Perform Binary Logic Operation: And, Or, Not, >, >= , <, <=
Most functions can be configured to occur on a configurable period or on update of the data source.
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