Scaling / Bit Packing
FieldServers can scale data and manipulate values using some binary logic and arithmetic functions. Scaling can be applied to each block of Modbus Data read/served. Move to change type : Convert from...
View ArticleMultiple Clients of a Modbus slave
We are frequenty asked how you deal with a situation where you have more than one client for a slave(s). The Modbus spec does not support this but we have a solution. The essence of the solution if to...
View ArticleHow Real (Floating Point) and 32-bit Data is Encoded in Modbus RTU Messages
The article discusses some of the typical difficulties encountered when handling 32-bit data types via Modbus RTU and offers practical help for solving these problems. The point-to-point Modbus...
View ArticleConverting Modbus 16 bit numbers to 32 bit numbers
Often the Vendor documentation does not report the byte order in which registers are served or the order in which words must be combined to form 32 bit numbers. For this reason FieldServer provides 4...
View ArticleCAS Modbus Explorer
Modbus communications not working ? How do you know what’s wrong – is it the baud rate, the parity or even the address? There are so many things that can affect communications. The Modbus protocol does...
View ArticleModbus/TCP to BACnet/IP Configuration Sample
This example FieldServer configuration illustrates a config which reads data from a Modbus/TCP device and makes the data available as BACnet data. A remote BACnet client can read and write points....
View ArticleCAS Modbus Scanner v1.02aB
CAS Modbus Scanner is a utility to retrieve coils, inputs, holding registers, and input registers from a Modbus enabled device. Values retrieved from the device can be viewed in many different formats...
View ArticleUseful tools and applications for Modbus
Here’s a useful list of tools to use with Modbus devices: CAS Modbus Scanner (download) Allows us to retrieve coils, inputs, holding registers, and input registers from a Modbus enabled device. Modbus...
View ArticleModbus
Introduction Modbus is an explicit serial communication protocol, developed by Modicon in the year 1979. Primarily it was designed for use with its programmable logic controllers (PLCs) but soon after...
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